I am Ramón Díaz, Spanish by birth and Mexican by adoption. I currently coach Capitanes from Mexico City. Next year we will begin a new adventure as the first team from outside the USA and Canada to participate in the NBA G-League. I am going to explain how I prepare for a new competition.
I was born in Granada, Spain where I played and coached for the local team (C.B. Granada) since a very early age. I got my Basketball Coach Certification in Spain in 2010 and I coached teams in all age categories within the C.B. Granada. In 2013, I accepted an offer to assist Coach Sergio Valdeomillos in the Mexican National team. The next 4 years I combined my work as Assistant Coach and Director of the CONADE academy, a project to recruit and develop Mexican young players in a venture with the Mexican Federation. During these four years we got to win an American Championship in 2013 and go to the World Cup in 2014.
In 2017 I signed with Capitanes from Mexico D.C. as a Head Coach where we have reached the league finals twice and the Final Four of the American Champion League once.

In this first post I would like to tell you about everything that came to my mind when Capitanes´ owner told me that the next season we would play in the NBA NBA G-League.
A thousand questions crossed my mind. How different is the NBA G.L game? How important is the use of the 3-point line? What´s the ideal shots distribution? How important is the offensive rebound? In summary, what are the keys to win the game?

All these questions are analyzed one by one comparing big data between NBA, G-League, Euroleague, LNBP (Mexican national league) and our team stats in the last three years.
“Tell you about everything that came to my mind when Capitanes´ owner told me that the next season we would play G-League. “
PACE. Number of possessions played every 40 minutes
We can see how games in the NBA G-LEAGUE and the NBA have the highest pace rates.

Number of 3 points shots considering the total field shots made.

We can see how over the analyzed years an increasing trend in the use of the 3 points shot. This trend is especially obvious in the data collected from the NBA (moving from 33.7% in 2017 to 38,21% in 2019) and in the NBA G-LEAGUE (going from 35.6% in 2017 to 38.97% in 2019).
*If a team has a 25% OR%, it means that for every 4 missed shots, the team can capture 1 offensive rebound.

The NBA is the league where the teams capture the fewest offensive rebounds, while in the Euroleague the average is much higher. In the NBA and the NBA G-LEAGUE. – with its linked teams – they put less effort in the offensive rebounds. This means that they prioritize the defensive balance, which favors a more organized defense.
The higher pace in NBA and NBA G-LEAGUE games makes team coaches to decide on reducing fastbreaks and quick transitions from the opponent. Given the fact that effectiveness of the fastbreaks shots is much higher than against static and already organized defenses.
*% Turnover is the defined as the number of turnovers a team makes per 100 possessions

Something similar happens with turnovers, they are related to the game strategies of each league. Euroleague is where there are more turnovers, a league with more complex systems, and fewer plays in clearing, that entails a higher number of turnovers.
However, the NBA, where games go at a faster pace, they have less complex offensive plays and where they give more importance to plays that end up in clearing (one to one or pick and roll) they have a lower turnover rate.

1- To be competitive in a league like the NBA G-League it is key to play at a high pace (max of 8-second possession) where shooting efficiency is higher. Quick, agile and versatile players are more valuable.
2- When planning the roster, keep in mind the importance of the use of the 3-point shots.
3- Not too much importance to the offensive and defensive rebound due to a clear style of play where fast break situations and transitions prevail.
4- Reduce turnovers, first of all looking for simple tactical situations and second not allowing the opposite team to run.
I hope you liked it, thanks Sport Coach for giving me the opportunity to share some takeaways from me and my staff.
See you soon!!
Instagram @ramon_ddss
Twitter @Ramon_DDSS
Thank you Ramón and good luck!